Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Draft EIS for the Kodiak Airport Runway Safety Area Improvements is officially on the street for review

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to send you a short note letting you know that the Draft EIS for the Kodiak Airport Runway Safety Area Improvements is officially on the street for review starting today (Friday, October 19th).  Copies of the Draft EIS are now on shelves and on-line for review at the following locations:

 *   Federal Aviation Administration, Airports Division, 222 W. 7th Avenue #14, Anchorage, AK 99513-7504
 *   A. Holmes Memorial Library, 319 Lower Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, AK 99615
 *   On the website at:

Meetings with agencies, tribes and stakeholders are currently being arranged for mid-November.  The public information meeting and public hearing are set for Thursday, December 6, 2012 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Kodiak Harbor Conference Center, 211 East Rezanof Drive, Kodiak, AK.  We'll provide more details on this as we get closer.  

The comment period is now through December 18, 2012.  In addition to being able to submit comments at the hearing, if you prefer, you may also submit written comments any time during the comment period at the locations below:

 *   To my email:<>
 *   Written to my mailing address:
    *   Leslie Grey, AAL-614
    *   FAA, Airports Division Office
    *   222 W. 7th Ave, #14
    *   Anchorage, AK 99513
 *   On the website:

We have been working on this project a very long time and I appreciate your continued interest and patience with us and the project. We value your participation and your comments..

As always, please don't hesitate to call me if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing you in November/December.  Best regards,  Leslie

Leslie A. Grey
Environmental Protection Specialist
FAA - Alaskan Region, Airports Division

Thursday, October 11, 2012

EIS Update 11 October 2012

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to send a short note alerting you to the status of the Draft EIS for the proposed Kodiak Airport RSA Improvements and our plans for the remainder of the year. I expect to distribute the DEIS in mid- to late-October, initiating a 60-day comment period that would end in mid- to late-December. I’ve tentatively set aside the week of December 3 for meetings in Kodiak and Anchorage with the public, tribes, agencies and other stakeholders. Depending on interest, I may also schedule meetings in mid-November with those of you who might be interested in a presentation and discussion about what is in the EIS: conclusions and findings, decisions to be made, other processes and permitting activities underway and so forth. I realize most of you would not have had a chance to fully read through the EIS by that time, but it may answer some early questions and help you get a sense of where we are headed. Then, by the December meetings you may have more specific questions, comments and topics for discussion.

Would you please let me know within the next week of any major conflicts with our tentative schedule for December? In the past there have been regional fisheries meetings in Anchorage in early December, and if possible I would like to avoid competing events that could prevent a lot of you from participating. I’m sure we won’t be able to accommodate everyone, but we’ll do what we can.

I’m really pleased to be close to the finish, at least for this phase of the work.  Please let me know if you have any immediate questions or schedule concerns, and I’ll be back in touch shortly with the DEIS.  

Best regards, Leslie

Leslie A. Grey
Environmental Protection Specialist
FAA - Alaskan Region, Airports Division