Sunday, January 3, 2010

Introduction to the FAA Kodiak Runway Extension Proposals

The red line on the photo shows the original plan that the FAA was proposing. They wanted to fill in the area within the line to extend the entire land mass surrounding the runways out 1000 feet beyond where the shore is presently. The red and yellow blocks represent the FAA's current alternatives.   

Stewards of the Buskin River State Recreation Site

The purpose of this group is to oppose any plans by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) to extend the north-south runway #18/36 at the Kodiak Airport toward the Buskin River. This is a proactive effort to get the facts out about this issue to interested people before this proposal is a done deal. At this point, your action can shape the future of the Buskin River State Recreation Site. If you are willing to help, read on.

For the last 3 years, the FAA has been preparing an EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) for a proposal to expand the Runway Safety Areas on the runways at the Kodiak Airport. The FAA believes that by doing this, it will lesson the potential for aircraft damage.

Currently, a PDEIS (Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement) is circulating among a select group of agencies and organizations that have direct regulatory jurisdiction over the area and its resources. (USFWS, ADF&G, Alaska State Parks, Tribal groups, USCG) A few scoping meetings were held to gather input from these agencies and a select group of organizations but no meetings have been held for the general public to review the plans and various alternatives. No opportunities for the general public will be scheduled to review or comment on the plans until the DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) is completed sometime early in 2010.

Although Preferred Alternatives have not been identified yet, the FAA is seriously considering Alternative #3, to extend the landmass of runway #18/36 (the north-south runway) 1,200 feet toward the mouth of the Buskin River from the present end of the runway parallel to the existing beach between the river and the ocean.  (see attached photo)

In addition, the FAA is considering extending the landmass of runway #07/25 (the east-west runway) 800 feet straight out into Chiniak Bay from the existing end of runway.

The potential for impacts on the environment, fish and wildlife, recreation, and subsistence by Alternative #3 make the proposed action impracticable and unacceptable, especially when there is a viable alternative. Alternative #4 would extend the landmass of the north-south runway southward instead of northward and would have far fewer impacts.

Because of its close proximity to town, the Buskin River is used more for sport and subsistence fishing than any other river on the road system. 

Here are some of the potential impacts of Alternative #3 on the Buskin River area.

  • Placing fill in marine waters would result in direct habitat loss for marine birds. Chiniak Bay was designated as an Important Bird Area of Global Significance in 2008 by Birdlife International and the National Audubon Society for habitat of three bird species of conservation concern; Black oystercatcher, Steller’s Eider, and Emperor Goose.

  • Placing fill in marine waters would have adverse impacts on pink, chum, red, and coho salmon.

  • Placing fill in this area would have direct effects on natural physical processes that dictate stream flow and hydrodynamics that shape aquatic habitats and species that live there.

  • Placing fill in this area will directly impact the view shed of the ocean from Buskin River. With the 1,200 foot landmass extension that will be approximately 30 feet high, from the existing north end of runway #18/36, most of the present ocean view from the Buskin River beach and parking lot will be obstructed and only a small view of the ocean will remain toward town.

  • Placing fill in this area will reduce access to beach areas at the mouth of the Buskin River for sport and subsistence fishing, environmental education, birding, beach combing, walking.

Here’s what you can do:

Promote Alternative #4 for Runway 18/36 to extend the N-S runway to the south instead of to the north toward the mouth of the Buskin River.

Stay informed. Read the information on the FAA’s website: 

Watch for announcements of meetings and attend meetings to get the facts.

Write to the FAA: Leslie Grey: or 

Write letters to the editor of the Kodiak Daily Mirror

Get others involved by spreading the information.

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