Tuesday, February 12, 2013

FAA Update 1/23/13

Hello and Happy New Year! I hope all of you are off to a great start in 2013.  First and foremost, I want you to know how much I appreciate your participation in the whole EIS process, and most recently for the review and comment and public hearing of the Draft EIS.
We received all comments by the due date on December 18 and are starting the process of responding them.  All comments received will get a response and will be available in the Final EIS.  We will be working on this for the next few months.  
For anyone interested in seeing all the comments received, as well as the testimony from the public hearing, we have uploaded them to the project website.
In addition to working on the response to comments, the team is working on the compensatory mitigation plan.  The Kodiak Airport DEIS includes several measures to avoid and minimize impacts, but the preferred RSA alternatives would not completely avoid long-term environmental adverse impacts.  As a result, we are coordinating with others to determine the appropriate compensatory mitigation for these impacts.  We will continue to provide updates on both the status of the comment resolutions and the compensatory mitigation process as we move forward.
Finally, because the EIS alternatives involve fill into the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge an Alaska National Interests Land Conservation Act (ANILCA) Title XI application is required including public hearings in Kodiak and Washington D.C.  We are planning to have the hearings in late February/early March.  As we solidify these hearing details, I will most certainly get the information out to everyone.
That’s all for now, as always, please don’t hesitate to contact me by phone (907) 271-5453 or email: Leslie.grey@faa.gov.  
Best regards, Leslie

Leslie A. Grey
Environmental Protection Specialist

FAA - Alaskan Region, Airports Division


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